[virt-tools-list] [PATCH] Allow watching for USB devices hotplug and attaching them to VMs

Michal Novotny minovotn at redhat.com
Thu Aug 13 13:43:53 UTC 2009

Hi all,

this is the patch to check for the USB device hotplugging, it currently
allows 2 types of watching for USB device hotplug - using HAL and udev
itself. There is a plan for DeviceKit support but I am not currently
having option to make it for DeviceKit so this option will be added in
time. Nevertheless the HAL and udev implementations are working now
but you may have to choose the desired type in the Preferences menu.
UDev type is working by watching for /dev tree changes using pyinotify
and querying udevadm so if you want to use udev type, you need to have
pyinotify module installed.

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