[virt-tools-list] virt-manager: does not pick up all config changes

James Brackinshaw jbrackinshaw at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 14:44:21 UTC 2009

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 4:34 PM, Cole Robinson <crobinso at redhat.com> wrote:
> On 10/01/2009 08:05 AM, James Brackinshaw wrote:
>> Hello,
>> virt-manager seems to be selective about which changes it picks up.
>> Maybe I am doing something wrong.
>> I created a new network with an internal dhcp range, ran virsh editxml
>> to change the network settings, and checked what virt-manager saw. It
>> seems the "default" network rather than the "internal" network.
>> Restarting virt-manager does not help.
>> Is this a bug, or intended?
> I'm a bit confused. How did you create the new virtual network: by hand
> crafting XML and using virsh, or via the virt-manager wizard?

I ran:
 virsh edit NAME
then changed <source network="default" /> under <interface type="network">

> If you used virsh net-edit on an active network, the changes won't show
> up in virt-manager (or via virsh net-dumpxml for that matter) until the
> network has been shutdown. This is because libvirt does not know how to
> alter running virtual networks, so the changes are applied once the
> network is stopped (aka destroyed).

Ah. This isn't what I expected.

In ESX I can change the vlans for a network device without a reboot. I
suppose I can do the same with kvm - I just alter the configuration on
the host; but this feels like something virt-manager should expose. Is
this planned?

>> Also, do you want me to keep asking questions like this, or should I
>> go somewhere else? I will have a few more =)
> More questions the merrier!

Just a few observations so far:
1. gfs/iscsi/nfs docs missing from rh virt guide - got a trunk version
2. virt-manager appears unresponsive/dead if you forget you're in a
vnc window somewhere. would be good to have some feedback (a beep or
whatever) if that happens
3. if you have lots of windows open, and try to open a vnc console for
a guest for which you already have a vnc window open, there is no
feedback. would be good if the vnc title bar flashed or (better) got
focus or something.

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