[virt-tools-list] problem in virt-manager with centos

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Tue Feb 23 15:18:21 UTC 2010

On 02/19/2010 01:39 AM, Ravi Sawlani wrote:
> Hi
> I have installed virt-manager on centos with xen kernel. I have created 4 virtual machine instances using xm create conf file path and it shows in GUI of virt-manager but when i trying to add more than 4 virtual machines in virt-manager it gives me "Error Device 5632(vbd) could not be connected. Failed to find an unused loop device". Is there any configuration to be done for running more that 4 instances.

Googling turns up:


> Also when I shutdown any of the virtual machine it disappears from the virt-manager vm list. I again need to run command xm create for bringing the vm up.

What version of centos and libvirt are you using? Haven't heard this
issue for a while.

- Cole

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