[virt-tools-list] Launch VMs with larger than 800x600 display resolution?

Pasi Kärkkäinen pasik at iki.fi
Thu Feb 25 12:08:13 UTC 2010

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 06:39:36PM -0800, Jim Kaskade wrote:
> I apologize for asking what is probably already obvious to all....but
> how do I launch VMs (on CentOS 5.4 w/ Xen) that have a screen resolution
> of 1024x768 or greater?

At least the upstream Xen supports this in /etc/xen/<guest> cfgfile:


That gives you resolutions up to 2048x1536x32. I'm not sure if EL5 Xen
has those patches included. Worth trying.

Usually it's better to use NX/RDP/VNC directly to the guest OS,
and not use the VM console.

-- Pasi

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