[virt-tools-list] virt-manager shortcut to boot guest os

Justin Clift jclift at redhat.com
Fri Sep 17 13:16:49 UTC 2010

On 09/17/2010 05:28 PM, Grant Williamson wrote:
> Hi,
> is there way to use virt-manager to open & power on a guest OS from say
> a desktop link.
> i.e.
> virt-manager boot "name"

Hi Grant,

"Kind of". :)

It depends upon what you want to do.  "virt-manager" doesn't seem to 
have all of the right command line options itself, but you can probably 
get what you want through simple shell scripting.

For example, lets say I have a guest called "myGuest", on a remote host 
called "myHost".

With a simple script, you can use "virsh" to start the guest, then 
launch your desired viewing program to connect to it.

   Example: launch_myGuest.sh
   (NOTE: Complete lack of error checking for simplicity. :>)


   # Connect to the remote host using SSH, then launch the guest
   virsh -c qemu+ssh://myuser@myHost/system start myGuest

   # virt-manager needs to be given a domain's unique ID number
   # (UUID), so we retrieve that info first
   UUID=`virsh -c qemu+ssh://myuser@myHost/system domuuid myGuest`

   # Now we launch virt-manager, automatically connecting to the guest's
   # display
   virt-manager -c qemu+ssh://myuser@myHost/system \

Does that help?

(btw, that would ask for the SSH password for each command being run 
above, so setting up ssh keys would be useful... no password promping!)


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

> thanks.

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