[virt-tools-list] recovery of virtual machine

David Cure virt-tools at cure.nom.fr
Wed Feb 9 19:10:23 UTC 2011

Le Wed, Feb 09, 2011 at 11:34:04PM +0530, Tapas Mishra ecrivait :
> All those are LVM images so in this situation what do I need to do let me know.
> I have the backup of xml files.

	if you have the backup of your vm definition, just restore it
and run : virsh define /path/to/vm.xml


Chronique, Articles, Projets "libre"  ->  http://www.cure.nom.fr/
Association FINIX : Finistere *nix    ->  http://www.Finix.EU.Org/
 "Le temps est sans importance, seule la vie est importante" L5E
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