[virt-tools-list] question about clustering

Kenneth Armstrong digimars at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 14:10:01 UTC 2011

Ok, I'm trying to get my head wrapped around this:

1.  I know that KVM apparently doesn't have the ability to share it's
xml configuration files for the vm's across multiple nodes.  However,
for a live migration to work, the xml file must exist on each node in
order to migrate between them.  According to
http://www.mail-archive.com/libvir-list@redhat.com/msg16921.html ,
that is not a good idea.

2.  I have been reading about KvmMigration using rgmanager,
http://sources.redhat.com/cluster/wiki/KvmMigration, and here it
implies that the xml files can be on gfs2 filesystems.  In particular:
 Example vm using xmlfile:

  <vm name="mydomain" xmlfile="/mounts/gfs-guests/mydomain.xml" />

I assume that this would go in the cluster.conf file within the <rm> tags?

Essentially, this is what I'm trying to get ironed out:

A.  I have 2 SAN arrays that I will use multipath on between my two
hosts, so I would like to use GFS2 formatted partitions to store the
vm disk images.
B.  I would then have to have another partition that is GFS2 formatted
to hold the vm xml files.  Would this partition also be on the SAN, or
can I have the same mount point on both host servers (on local disks
there), formatted to GFS2, and they would share with each other the
xml files?



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