[virt-tools-list] question about clustering

Josip Deanovic djosip+news at linuxpages.net
Sun Feb 20 03:29:09 UTC 2011

On Thursday 2011-02-17, Kenneth Armstrong wrote:
> Ok, thanks Daniel, that makes FAR better sense.
> Now for a stupid question:  Since the cluster suite has to manage the
> vm's (as far as starting, stopping, migrating), if I were to log into
> a vm, then shut it off, will the cluster suite know that it was an
> intended shutdown or will I have to always power off my vm's through
> clusvcadm?

I don't think it's a stupid question.

Currently Red Hat Cluster Suite is not aware whether vm gone down 
intentionally or not unless you use clusvcadm. As far as RHCS is concerned, 
vm died and recovery need to be performed.

Josip Deanovic

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