[virt-tools-list] CPU graphs

Alan Bell alanbell at ubuntu.com
Fri May 27 15:11:49 UTC 2011

On 27/05/11 10:56, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> I think this should be configurable.
> I can see myself wanting to view it both ways: either "I've got 12
> cores, and only 1/12 of that resource is being hogged, so who cares"
> vs "why is that one guest spinning at 100%?"
> Rich.
I can see an argument for an overall CPU (and ram) use sparkgraph at the 
host level, but on a per-VM basis I would expect it to show a percentage 
of what is available to that VM. If you have more than a few cores on 
the host the CPU graphs become useless as they can only show a couple of 
pixels of variation.

Would be great to get a per-vm memory utilisation chart, is the data for 
that exposed? If someone can point me in the direction of the data for 
that I will have a go at adding it.


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