[virt-tools-list] [RFC PATCH] add shh option to VM context menu

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Thu Sep 1 17:37:09 UTC 2011

On Thu, Sep 01, 2011 at 01:34:24PM -0400, Cole Robinson wrote:
> On 08/12/2011 05:25 AM, Gerhard Stenzel wrote:
> > 
> > Occasionally I have the need to ssh into on of my VMs. To simplify that,
> > I made the attached patch. I realize, that it will not work in all 
> > configurations, but maybe someone else will find it useful or have some
> > ideas to make it more generic.
> > One will will also probably need to change the variable user.
> > 
> I can understand how this is convenient in some cases but I don't think
> this is something we want to add to the UI: fundamentally I don't like
> the idea of having virt-manager launch another terminal, we should be a
> self contained app.
> Maybe you could propose this a 'virsh ssh' command? I'd bring it up on
> libvirt-list before starting to implement it though.

IMHO a better approach is to just make sure all new guests have at
least one virtio console device configured, and make sure SystemD
(or equiv) is automatically configuring an agetty on the console

Then you can just use  'virDomainOpenConsole' to get a login to
the virtual machine, as was possible in old Xen paravirt guests.

This is better than ssh, since you don't need to assume the guest
is on the same network as the host or virt-manager.

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