[virt-tools-list] Using Spice with virt-install

Diptanu Gon Choudhury diptanuc at thoughtworks.com
Tue May 28 04:23:02 UTC 2013


Just began installing virt-tools. Trying to install a windows 2008 server
with virt-install and spice as the protocol to access the VDI.

Using the following command -

sudo virt-install --connect qemu:///system --name WinServ2008 --ram 4096
--vcpus 2 --disk
--disk path=~/Downloads/virtio-win-0.1-59.iso,device=cdrom --cdrom
--network=bridge:virbr0,model=e1000 *--graphics
 spice,port=5901,listen=* --accelerate --soundhw ac97
--os-type=windows --os-variant=win2k8  --noautoconsole --accelerate
--noapic --keymap=en-us

I am getting the error - ERROR    *Cannot mix --graphics and old style
graphical options*

I would be glad if anyone cant point me to what I am doing wrong here. I
couldn't find any spice example in the man pages of virt-install.

Diptanu Choudhury
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