[virt-tools-list] virt-install doesn't reboot rhel6/7 VMs after install

Digimer lists at alteeve.ca
Thu Aug 21 20:32:52 UTC 2014

On 15/08/14 10:32 AM, Cole Robinson wrote:
> Sorry for the late response. I think the issue is that virt-viewer is failing
> to launch, probably because this is done on a TTY or over SSH.
> The default virt-install invocation kind of depends on virt-viewer running to
> detect when the VM starts up and shuts down. However you can force it to not
> work that way with --noautoconsole (don't launch virt-viewer) and --wait -1
> (wait indefinitely for the VM to shutdown, then restart it)
> - Cole

My turn to be slow again. :)

I tested the '--noautoconsole --wait -1' and it worked perfectly. Both 
my installs of EL5 and EL6 rebooted as expected.


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