[virt-tools-list] Make setKeepAlive a preference

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Sat Apr 11 20:36:20 UTC 2015

On 04/10/2015 05:08 PM, Charles Arnold wrote:
> With large Xen VMs (>128Gig) the libvirt connection will sometimes
> timeout while Xen is scrubing memory.  I don't know if KVM would
> have similar issues.  Setting the interval longer or increasing the retry
> count in the call to _backend.setKeepAlive is a simple way to solve the
> problem but perhaps not the best.
> What I wonder is if there is interest in creating a preferences tab
> allowing these two values to be modified as needed.  Or maybe
> it should go on the Connection Details Overview dialog next to the
> Autoconnect checkbox?  I could put together a patch if doing this is
> desirable.

I'd like to avoid that route if we can. I don't like adding things to the UI
that are only relevant for an extreme edge case.

Maybe we can disable the keep alive timeout if conn=xen and there's a VM with
memory over a certain amount? You'd probably want to implement it by having
vmmConnection hook into it's own vm-added signal, so it only checks each VM once

- Cole

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