[virt-tools-list] Can't configure spice usbredir and shared clipboard with virt-manager

Christophe Fergeau cfergeau at redhat.com
Wed Dec 2 08:47:03 UTC 2015


On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 04:19:32AM +0200, George Diamantopoulos wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been running virt-manager built from master for a while now, and I
> can't get usb redirection or copy-and-paste between guest and host to work.
> I'm using xen, and qemu (upstream) is also built from master (using live
> ebuilds on gentoo).

For what it's worth, I don't think a lot of people are testing
virt-manager/virtio/SPICE with Xen

> Guest has virtio/qemu-ga/vdagent installed, but all
> relevant devices (for example, virtio-serial) appear hidden in the guest's
> device manager (guest is windows). When displaying the properties panel for
> such devices, I get a status along the lines of "device is currently not
> connected to the computer".

I assume this "not connected" prevents you from installing the Windows
guest drivers for virtio-serial ?

> What I've done is set up a spice display for the guest, which also adds a
> virtio-serial device. I've had to add the spice channel manually. I then
> added spice usb redirection, and configured a detected usb device for
> passthrough. Here's the resulting XML config:
> http://pastebin.com/MGuh45fC

It seems that a USB controller would be missing for USB redirection.

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