[virt-tools-list] [virt-manager PATCH] virtinst: do not add default channels if one is already present

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Fri Jan 9 17:24:36 UTC 2015

On 01/09/2015 12:20 PM, Giuseppe Scrivano wrote:
> Cole Robinson <crobinso at redhat.com> writes:
>> On 01/09/2015 06:29 AM, Giuseppe Scrivano wrote:
>>> Closes: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1179680
>> I don't think that test case would have triggered the original behavior, you'd
>> need to use the fake KVM URI, grep clitest.py for xml-comparison
>> That said, I think the problem is elsewhere? That reproducing command from the
>> bug works fine on F21. The idea was that --channel none will turn off all
>> default channels, but we only skip adding the spicevmc defaults if a user has
>> specified --channel spicevmc. So if someone is adding their own custom
>> --channel pty, they don't have to re-specify the spicevmc one as well.
>> Maybe it's non-intuitive but that's what the code does at the moment (we
>> really need some explicit fine grained way of turning off individual defaults
>> but that's a larger effort).
>> I'm not really sure where the error is coming from on RHEL... be useful to see
>> the full XML and qemu command line that is being generated.
> I was able to reproduce both using the libvirt upstream version and the
> version on virt-preview.  It seems that the problem is caused by the
> fact that libvirt assigns the name "com.redhat.spice.0" to channels if
> it is not already specified and this clashes with the spicevmc channel.
> The generating this in libvirt seems to be old, git blame says 2013 for
> the last change.  Probably it is something changed in qemu that started
> complaining if the same name is used more than once.
> Thinking more of it, probably the fix should go into libvirt, the XML
> definition that causes the failure here looks like this (omitting
> name="com.redhat.spice.0" does not make any difference):

Ah I see. Yeah in that case I'd say libvirt continues to add the spice name
for type=spicevmc, but for any other channel it complains about missing target

- Cole

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