[virt-tools-list] Compiling for USB Redirection support in Windows

Victor Toso victortoso at redhat.com
Thu May 21 09:27:25 UTC 2015

Hi Charlie,

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 08:00:52AM +0000, Charlie Benger-Stevenson wrote:
>  Hi,
> I have downloaded the latest version of the Virt-Viewer from spice.org and when I tried and use USB redirection it tells me that it "Is not compiled in".I understand from reading the Redhat repo information that it is compiled in for Linux, but from this evidence, not for windows. This is a big problem.
> I have tried to follow various explanations of how to cross compile using Fedora, but at every turn I hit a problem. The biggest of these is that there is no absolute walkthrough of how to do this, so you are left reading scraps of emails in mailing lists.For example the latest problem is "Windres" is missing. Try googling that for an answer? There just isn't any.
> As you can tell I am fairly frustrated as I have lost days on this now, for something that should be fairly simple. I am not alone, others also complain of the lack of documentation.
> So my attentions turn to the configure file in the github, that does not even include code for the much lauded --with-usbredir option that you find dotted about in these mailing lists. So even if I managed to successfully cross compile, I still would not be able to get around this problem and compile for USB support.
> Please please please can you either :
> Provide a cross compiled version for windows with USB redir support orProvide a decent enough how to of how to compile it myself.
> Completely and utterly in your hands
> Regards
> Charlie

Fabiano did a blog post about his experience when cross-compiling
Virt-Viewer with gtk3 here [0] which can help you a bit. The important
part is in the end of it, about mingw32-configure and generating the
msi installer.

Now, there is probably a reason to not have a usb redirection on windows
client... not sure if it will work.


Victor Toso

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