[virt-tools-list] Compiling for USB Redirection support in Windows

Charlie Benger-Stevenson suityou01 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu May 28 12:02:42 UTC 2015


 Just to let you know the results of my testing were as follows.
 Virt-Viewer uses GTK3. In my case it is 64 bit.
 I successfully extracted and replaced the dlls for GTK and GLIB. Now
 when I launch the Virt-Viewer it now allows me to select the USB
 device to redirect.
 When I do this I get the following error :
 "USB redirection error: Could not auto-redirect Kingston Technology
 Company Inc. Flash drive [13fe:4100] at 1-3: Could not open usb
 device: Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform
       From: Christophe Fergeau <cfergeau at redhat.com>
 To: Charlie Benger-Stevenson <suityou01 at yahoo.co.uk> 
Cc: Victor Toso <victortoso at redhat.com>; "virt-tools-list at redhat.com" <virt-tools-list at redhat.com> 
 Sent: Friday, 22 May 2015, 10:56
 Subject: Re: [virt-tools-list] Compiling for USB Redirection support in Windows
On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 09:30:37AM +0000, Charlie Benger-Stevenson wrote:
> Hi Christophe,
> Thanks for your quick response. The scratch build seems to be an rpm, so I'm guessing not for windows?

It i for windows, you can unpack the rpms with (for example)
rpm2cpio foo.rpm |cpio -id

> Also I used Fedora 18 for the build as this was the build of choice
> from what I was reading in scraps of emails in the mailing lists.
> To completely rebuild using a later version of fedora, without knowing
> if it will solve my problem seems like a lot of pain for very little
> gain.

If you are on f18, yum-builddep mingw-spice-gtk should install most of
the needed deps

> I have of course subscribed to the spice-gtk mailing list, but have
> not yet been officially registered so I have to sit and wait.

By 'spice-gtk mailing list' do you mean
Inscriptions to this list are not moderated, it's just the regular
"give your email, receive a confirmation email, send back a
confirmation" dance. Is it what you are in the process of doing, or are
you waiting for something else?

> In the mean times, if you can suggest how I can fix this compile
> problem I would really appreciate it.
> For info :
> pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0
> gives
> -I/usr/include/pixman-1 
> in it's output so I really am confused as pkg-config does indeed know
> where to find pixman-1 it seems, yet continues to complain.

pkg-config is giving you information about the linux version of pixman
installed for your distro. Try mingw32-pkg-config instead.


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