[virt-tools-list] possible bug in passing host cpu configuration

LK cesto at email.it
Sun Nov 8 15:37:43 UTC 2015


I have banged my head for a few days on a problem with a virtual machine 

I want to use Nested Virtualization, but virt-manager did not let me to 
pass the host cpu configuration (I checked the "Copy host CPU 

After countless tests I was giving up (I also tried to modify manually 
the xml file in /etc/libvirt/qemu/vm.xml), but as last attempt I 
discarded virt-manager and used virsh instead.

I modified the configuration of the VM (virsh edit vm) and added this 
cpu configuration:

<cpu mode='host-passthrough'>

I saved the configuration and launched the VM and finally the guest 
operating system (proxmox4) shows me that it can use the nested 

I'm using as host Fedora 23 x86_64 and virt-manager  1.2.1.

The funny thing is that after configuring the VM using virsh edit, now 
virt-manager retain the correct configuration.

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