[virt-tools-list] Providing SMBIOS information to the guest

Charles Arnold carnold at suse.com
Wed Jan 6 19:32:07 UTC 2016

>>> On 1/6/2016 at 11:46 AM, Cole Robinson <crobinso at redhat.com> wrote: 
> On 01/06/2016 01:40 PM, Charles Arnold wrote:
>> libvirt allows specifying detailed SMBIOS info
>> http://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsSysinfo
>> Would there be interest in accepting a feature enhancment
>> where virt-install options allow passing SMBIOS information
>> to the guest. This would allow tools such as dmidecode to
>> report meaningful information in the guest.
> Yes, an option for virt-install would be nice. Ideally virt-install/virt-xml
> would allow configuring every domain XML option

I'll start working on this.

>> Additionally, some graphical elements could be added to
>> virt-manager giving a user friendly interface to SMBIOS
>> fields.
> Maybe. Can you describe the usecase? How many fields are we talking about?

I don't have a strong desire to do a graphical piece and only mentioned it
for anyone who may think it would be useful. Minimally, we would probably
want all bios (block 0) fields and just some of the system (block 1) fields
if we decided to do it.

> I think it only makes sense to add to virt-manager if it's really essential
> information for some particular usecase. Probably only if it's required at
> install time, otherwise we can just point people at using virt-xml on the
> command line which is easier to document.

I don't know if it is helpful to some OS'es at install time (obviously we haven't
needed it up until now). 

- Charles

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