[virt-tools-list] Configuring virt-manager (v0.9.0) from the command line

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Sun Jan 10 21:17:55 UTC 2016

On 01/10/2016 04:12 PM, Digimer wrote:
> On 10/01/16 04:08 PM, Cole Robinson wrote:
>> On 01/10/2016 04:05 PM, Digimer wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>>   I've got a little web-based front end for managing high-availability
>>> clusters hosting KVM VMs. We use little rhel/centos 6 appliances for
>>> users to connect to the VMs using virt-manager.
>>>   I would like to configure virt-manager to add/remove nodes (hosts) as
>>> needed, but I can't seem to get this to work if virt-manager is already
>>> running. If it's NOT running, I can either use gconftool-2 or directly
>>> create/edit the ~/.gconf/apps/virt-manager files and the next time
>>> virt-manager starts, the correct config is there.
>>>   I would like to check to see if virt-manager is running and, if so,
>>> somehow update it with the new configuration. Is this possible?
>> No, it's not possible with virt-manager 0.9.0 or upstream. It could be
>> implemented based on watching gconf for added/removed connections, but it
>> would require a patch.
>> - Cole
> So as it stands now, I should check to see if it is running and, if so,
> close it before making the changes and restart?

Yeah that's the only option I can think.

> I think it would be a great feature to have, fwiw. :)

Shouldn't be too hard to implement ;) We already have gconf/gsettings watches
elsewhere in the code for simpler options. If you wanna take a stab at a patch
I can give guidance

- Cole

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