[virt-tools-list] virt-manager running on python3

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Wed Dec 20 18:48:53 UTC 2017

On 12/07/2017 03:24 PM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 07, 2017 at 09:00:30AM -0700, Charles Arnold wrote:
>> There has been some recent work done for python3 support in virt-manager.
>> Are there plans to move virt-manager entirely to python3?
>> There is more work that could be done for this conversion if we want to completely
>> move virt-manager to run on python3 and I would be happy to contribute to that
>> effort if there is interest. 

Yes any patches and testing here are appreciated. I thought I had
already published the py3 branch, but apparently not, so here it is now:


I'd like to keep all python3 specific patches there until we are ready
to make the switch. Some patches in that branch can still safely go to
master as they are py2 compatible, like the floor division patch.

My thoughts were do another release (or maybe two) of py2 virt-manager,
then commit the py3 branch to master and go from there.

>> In making these changes do we need to keep python2 compatibility?
> > Python3 is clearly the future, but I think its probably wise to keep dual
> py2/3 support for a little while longer, if only to make backports to
> current enterprise distros easier.  Definitely contribute patches to port
> more stuff to dual py2/3 code if you have the time.

I'm not really interested in keeping py2 support unless there's a very
good reason. While we maintain both it will double the testing time for
devs and there be compat imports sprayed across multiple files that will
be removed soon after. The actual inline code changes that are python3
specific aren't hugely invasive so I think it will be doable to handle
backports from latest py3 virt-manager to old py2 codebases.


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