[virt-tools-list] [virt-bootstrap] [PATCH v3 11/12] tests: Add unit tests for the "utils" module
Radostin Stoyanov
rstoyanov1 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 20 11:29:46 UTC 2017
tests/test_utils.py | 640 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 640 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 tests/test_utils.py
diff --git a/tests/test_utils.py b/tests/test_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19f9f70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_utils.py
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+# Authors:
+# Cedric Bosdonnat <cbosdonnat at suse.com>
+# Radostin Stoyanov <rstoyanov1 at gmail.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2017 SUSE, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Radostin Stoyanov
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Unit tests for functions defined in virtBootstrap.utils
+from tests import unittest
+from tests import mock
+from tests import utils
+ # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
+ from importlib import reload
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
+class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Ensures that functions defined in the utils module of virtBootstrap
+ work as expected.
+ """
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: checksum()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_checksum_return_false_on_invalid_hash(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that checksum() returns False if the actual and expected
+ hash sum of file are not equal.
+ """
+ with mock.patch.multiple(utils,
+ open=mock.DEFAULT,
+ logger=mock.DEFAULT,
+ hashlib=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
+ path, sum_type, sum_expected = '/foo', 'sha256', 'bar'
+ mocked['hashlib'].sha256.hexdigest.return_value = False
+ self.assertFalse(utils.checksum(path, sum_type, sum_expected))
+ def test_utils_checksum_return_false_if_file_could_not_be_opened(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that checksum() returns False if the file to be checked
+ cannot be open for read.
+ """
+ with mock.patch.multiple(utils,
+ open=mock.DEFAULT,
+ logger=mock.DEFAULT,
+ hashlib=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
+ mocked['open'].side_effect = IOError()
+ self.assertFalse(utils.checksum('foo', 'sha256', 'bar'))
+ def test_utils_checksum_return_true_on_valid_hash(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that checksum() returns True when the actual and expected
+ hash sum of file are equal.
+ """
+ with mock.patch.multiple(utils,
+ open=mock.DEFAULT,
+ logger=mock.DEFAULT,
+ hashlib=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
+ path, sum_type, sum_expected = '/foo', 'sha256', 'bar'
+ mocked['hashlib'].sha256.return_value.hexdigest.return_value \
+ = sum_expected
+ self.assertTrue(utils.checksum(path, sum_type, sum_expected))
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: execute()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_execute_logging_on_successful_proc_call(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that execute() creates log record of cmd, stdout and stderr
+ when the exit code of process is 0.
+ """
+ with mock.patch.multiple(utils,
+ logger=mock.DEFAULT,
+ Popen=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
+ cmd = ['foo']
+ output, err = 'test_out', 'test_err'
+ mocked['Popen'].return_value.returncode = 0
+ (mocked['Popen'].return_value
+ .communicate.return_value) = (output.encode(), err.encode())
+ utils.execute(cmd)
+ mocked['logger'].debug.assert_any_call("Call command:\n%s", cmd[0])
+ mocked['logger'].debug.assert_any_call("Stdout:\n%s", output)
+ mocked['logger'].debug.assert_any_call("Stderr:\n%s", err)
+ def test_utils_execute_raise_error_on_unsuccessful_proc_call(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that execute() raise CalledProcessError exception when the
+ exit code of process is not 0.
+ """
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.Popen') as m_popen:
+ m_popen.return_value.returncode = 1
+ m_popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = (b'output', b'err')
+ with self.assertRaises(utils.CalledProcessError):
+ utils.execute(['foo'])
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: safe_untar()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_safe_untar_calls_execute(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that safe_untar() calls execute with virt-sandbox
+ command to extract source files to destination folder.
+ Test for users with EUID 0 and 1000.
+ """
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.os.geteuid') as m_geteuid:
+ for uid in [0, 1000]:
+ m_geteuid.return_value = uid
+ reload(utils)
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.execute') as m_execute:
+ src, dest = 'foo', 'bar'
+ utils.safe_untar('foo', 'bar')
+ cmd = ['virt-sandbox',
+ '-c', utils.LIBVIRT_CONN,
+ '-m', 'host-bind:/mnt=' + dest,
+ '--',
+ '/bin/tar', 'xf', src,
+ '-C', '/mnt',
+ '--exclude', 'dev/*']
+ m_execute.assert_called_once_with(cmd)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: bytes_to_size()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_bytes_to_size(self):
+ """
+ Validates the output of bytes_to_size() for some test cases.
+ """
+ test_values = {
+ 0: '0', 1: '1', 512: '512', 1000: '0.98 KiB', 1024: '1 KiB',
+ 4096: '4 KiB', 5120: '5 KiB', 10 ** 10: '9.31 GiB'
+ }
+ for value in test_values:
+ self.assertEqual(utils.bytes_to_size(value), test_values[value])
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: size_to_bytes()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_size_to_bytes(self):
+ """
+ Validates the output of size_to_bytes() for some test cases.
+ """
+ test_values = [1, '0']
+ test_formats = ['TB', 'GB', 'MB', 'KB', 'B']
+ expected_output = [1099511627776, 1073741824, 1048576, 1024, 1,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ i = 0
+ for value in test_values:
+ for fmt in test_formats:
+ self.assertEqual(utils.size_to_bytes(value, fmt),
+ expected_output[i])
+ i += 1
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: log_layer_extract()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_log_layer_extract(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that log_layer_extract() updates the progress and creates
+ log record with debug level.
+ """
+ m_progress = mock.Mock()
+ layer = ['sum_type', 'sum_value', 'layer_file', 'layer_size']
+ with mock.patch.multiple(utils, logger=mock.DEFAULT,
+ bytes_to_size=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
+ utils.log_layer_extract(layer, 'foo', 'bar', m_progress)
+ mocked['bytes_to_size'].assert_called_once_with('layer_size')
+ mocked['logger'].debug.assert_called_once()
+ m_progress.assert_called_once()
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: get_mime_type()
+ ###################################
+ @mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.Popen')
+ def test_utils_get_mime_type(self, m_popen):
+ """
+ Ensures that get_mime_type() returns the detected MIME type
+ of /usr/bin/file.
+ """
+ path = "foo"
+ mime = "application/x-gzip"
+ stdout = ('%s: %s' % (path, mime)).encode()
+ m_popen.return_value.stdout.read.return_value = stdout
+ self.assertEqual(utils.get_mime_type(path), mime)
+ m_popen.assert_called_once_with(["/usr/bin/file", "--mime-type", path],
+ stdout=utils.PIPE)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: untar_layers()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_untar_all_layers_in_order(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that untar_layers() iterates through all passed layers
+ in order.
+ """
+ layers = ['l1', 'l2', 'l3']
+ layers_list = [['', '', layer] for layer in layers]
+ dest_dir = '/foo'
+ expected_calls = [mock.call(layer, dest_dir) for layer in layers]
+ with mock.patch.multiple(utils,
+ safe_untar=mock.DEFAULT,
+ log_layer_extract=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
+ utils.untar_layers(layers_list, dest_dir, mock.Mock())
+ mocked['safe_untar'].assert_has_calls(expected_calls)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: create_qcow2()
+ ###################################
+ def _apply_test_to_create_qcow2(self, expected_calls, *args):
+ """
+ This method contains common test pattern used in the next two
+ test cases.
+ """
+ with mock.patch.multiple(utils,
+ execute=mock.DEFAULT,
+ logger=mock.DEFAULT,
+ get_mime_type=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
+ mocked['get_mime_type'].return_value = 'application/x-gzip'
+ utils.create_qcow2(*args)
+ mocked['execute'].assert_has_calls(expected_calls)
+ def test_utils_create_qcow2_base_layer(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that create_qcow2() creates base layer when
+ backing_file = None.
+ """
+ tar_file = 'foo'
+ layer_file = 'bar'
+ size = '5G'
+ backing_file = None
+ expected_calls = [
+ mock.call(["qemu-img", "create", "-f", "qcow2", layer_file, size]),
+ mock.call(['virt-format',
+ '--format=qcow2',
+ '--partition=none',
+ '--filesystem=ext3',
+ '-a', layer_file]),
+ mock.call(['guestfish',
+ '-a', layer_file,
+ '-m', '/dev/sda',
+ 'tar-in', tar_file, '/', 'compress:gzip'])
+ ]
+ self._apply_test_to_create_qcow2(expected_calls, tar_file, layer_file,
+ backing_file, size)
+ def test_utils_create_qcow2_layer_with_backing_chain(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that create_qcow2() creates new layer with backing chains
+ when backing_file is specified.
+ """
+ tar_file = 'foo'
+ layer_file = 'bar'
+ backing_file = 'base'
+ size = '5G'
+ expected_calls = [
+ mock.call(['qemu-img', 'create',
+ '-b', backing_file,
+ '-f', 'qcow2',
+ layer_file, size]),
+ mock.call(['guestfish',
+ '-a', layer_file,
+ '-m', '/dev/sda',
+ 'tar-in', tar_file, '/', 'compress:gzip'])
+ ]
+ self._apply_test_to_create_qcow2(expected_calls, tar_file, layer_file,
+ backing_file, size)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: extract_layers_in_qcow2()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_if_all_layers_extracted_in_order_in_qcow2(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that extract_layers_in_qcow2() iterates through all
+ layers in order.
+ """
+ layers = ['l1', 'l2', 'l3']
+ layers_list = [['', '', layer] for layer in layers]
+ dest_dir = '/foo'
+ # Generate expected calls
+ expected_calls = []
+ qcow2_backing_file = None
+ for index, layer in enumerate(layers):
+ qcow2_layer_file = dest_dir + "/layer-%s.qcow2" % index
+ expected_calls.append(
+ mock.call(layer, qcow2_layer_file, qcow2_backing_file))
+ qcow2_backing_file = qcow2_layer_file
+ # Mocking out and execute
+ with mock.patch.multiple(utils,
+ create_qcow2=mock.DEFAULT,
+ log_layer_extract=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
+ utils.extract_layers_in_qcow2(layers_list, dest_dir, mock.Mock())
+ # Check actual calls
+ mocked['create_qcow2'].assert_has_calls(expected_calls)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: get_image_dir()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_getimage_dir(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that get_image_dir() returns path to DEFAULT_IMG_DIR
+ if the no_cache argument is set to False and create it if
+ does not exist.
+ """
+ # Perform this test for UID 0 and 1000
+ for uid in [0, 1000]:
+ with mock.patch('os.geteuid') as m_geteuid:
+ m_geteuid.return_value = uid
+ reload(utils)
+ with mock.patch('os.makedirs') as m_makedirs:
+ with mock.patch('os.path.exists') as m_path_exists:
+ m_path_exists.return_value = False
+ self.assertEqual(utils.get_image_dir(False),
+ m_makedirs.assert_called_once_with(utils.DEFAULT_IMG_DIR)
+ @mock.patch('tempfile.mkdtemp')
+ def test_utils_getimage_dir_no_cache(self, m_mkdtemp):
+ """
+ Ensures that get_image_dir() returns temporary file path created
+ by tempfile.mkdtemp.
+ """
+ m_mkdtemp.return_value = 'foo'
+ self.assertEqual(utils.get_image_dir(True), 'foo')
+ m_mkdtemp.assert_called_once()
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: get_image_details()
+ ###################################
+ @mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.Popen')
+ def test_utils_get_image_details_raise_error_on_fail(self, m_popen):
+ """
+ Ensures that get_image_details() throws ValueError exception
+ when stderr from skopeo is provided.
+ """
+ src = 'docker://foo'
+ m_popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = [b'', b'Error']
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ utils.get_image_details(src)
+ @mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.Popen')
+ def test_utils_get_image_details_return_json_obj_on_success(self, m_popen):
+ """
+ Ensures that get_image_details() returns python dictionary which
+ represents the data provided from stdout of skopeo when stderr
+ is not present.
+ """
+ src = 'docker://foo'
+ json_dict = {'foo': 'bar'}
+ stdout = utils.json.dumps(json_dict).encode()
+ m_popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = [stdout, '']
+ self.assertDictEqual(utils.get_image_details(src), json_dict)
+ def test_utils_get_image_details_all_argument_passed(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that get_image_details() pass all argument values to
+ skopeo inspect.
+ """
+ src = 'docker://foo'
+ raw, insecure = True, True
+ username, password = 'user', 'password'
+ cmd = ['skopeo', 'inspect', src,
+ '--raw',
+ '--tls-verify=false',
+ "--creds=%s:%s" % (username, password)]
+ with mock.patch.multiple(utils,
+ Popen=mock.DEFAULT,
+ PIPE=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
+ mocked['Popen'].return_value.communicate.return_value = [b'{}',
+ b'']
+ utils.get_image_details(src, raw, insecure, username, password)
+ mocked['Popen'].assert_called_once_with(cmd,
+ stdout=mocked['PIPE'],
+ stderr=mocked['PIPE'])
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: is_new_layer_message()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_is_new_layer_message(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that is_new_layer_message() returns True when message
+ from the skopeo's stdout indicates processing of new layer
+ and False otherwise.
+ """
+ valid_msgs = [
+ "Copying blob sha256:be232718519c940b04bc57",
+ "Skipping fetch of repeat blob sha256:75c416ea735c42a4a0b2"
+ ]
+ invalid_msgs = [
+ 'Copying config sha256', 'test', ''
+ ]
+ for msg in valid_msgs:
+ self.assertTrue(utils.is_new_layer_message(msg))
+ for msg in invalid_msgs:
+ self.assertFalse(utils.is_new_layer_message(msg))
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: is_layer_config_message()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_is_layer_config_message(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that is_layer_config_message() returns True when message
+ from the skopeo's stdout indicates processing of manifest file
+ of container image and False otherwise.
+ """
+ invalid_msgs = [
+ "Copying blob sha256:be232718519c940b04bc57",
+ "Skipping fetch of repeat blob sha256:75c416ea735c42a4a0b2",
+ ''
+ ]
+ valid_msg = 'Copying config sha256:d355ed3537e94e76389fd78b7724'
+ self.assertTrue(utils.is_layer_config_message(valid_msg))
+ for msg in invalid_msgs:
+ self.assertFalse(utils.is_layer_config_message(msg))
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: make_async()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_make_async(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that make_async() sets O_NONBLOCK flag on PIPE.
+ """
+ pipe = utils.Popen(["echo"], stdout=utils.PIPE).stdout
+ fd = pipe.fileno()
+ F_GETFL = utils.fcntl.F_GETFL
+ self.assertFalse(utils.fcntl.fcntl(fd, F_GETFL) & O_NONBLOCK)
+ utils.make_async(fd)
+ self.assertTrue(utils.fcntl.fcntl(fd, F_GETFL) & O_NONBLOCK)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: read_async()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_read_async_successful_read(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that read_async() calls read() of passed file descriptor.
+ """
+ m_fd = mock.MagicMock()
+ utils.read_async(m_fd)
+ m_fd.read.assert_called_once()
+ def test_utils_read_async_return_empty_str_on_EAGAIN_error(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that read_async() ignores EAGAIN errors and returns
+ empty string.
+ """
+ m_fd = mock.MagicMock()
+ m_fd.read.side_effect = IOError(utils.errno.EAGAIN, '')
+ self.assertEqual(utils.read_async(m_fd), '')
+ def test_utils_read_async_raise_errors(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that read_async() does not ignore IOError which is different
+ than EAGAIN and throws an exception.
+ """
+ m_fd = mock.MagicMock()
+ m_fd.read.side_effect = IOError()
+ with self.assertRaises(IOError):
+ utils.read_async(m_fd)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: str2float()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_str2float(self):
+ """
+ Validates the output of str2float() for some test cases.
+ """
+ test_values = {'1': 1.0, 'test': None, '0': 0.0, '1.25': 1.25}
+ for test in test_values:
+ self.assertEqual(utils.str2float(test), test_values[test])
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: set_root_password()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_set_root_password_restore_shadow_permissions(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that set_root_password() restore shadow file permissions
+ after edit.
+ """
+ permissions = 700
+ rootfs_path = '/foo'
+ shadow_file = '%s/etc/shadow' % rootfs_path
+ m_open = mock.mock_open(read_data='')
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.open', m_open, create=True):
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.os') as m_os:
+ m_os.stat.return_value = [permissions]
+ m_os.path.join.return_value = shadow_file
+ utils.set_root_password(rootfs_path, 'password')
+ expected_calls = [
+ mock.call.path.join(rootfs_path, 'etc/shadow'),
+ mock.call.stat(shadow_file),
+ mock.call.chmod(shadow_file, 438),
+ mock.call.chmod(shadow_file, permissions)
+ ]
+ m_os.assert_has_calls(expected_calls)
+ def test_utils_set_root_password_restore_permissions_on_fail(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that set_root_password() restore shadow file permissions
+ in case of failure.
+ """
+ permissions = 700
+ rootfs_path = '/foo'
+ shadow_file = '%s/etc/shadow' % rootfs_path
+ m_open = mock.mock_open(read_data='')
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.open', m_open, create=True):
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.os') as m_os:
+ m_os.stat.return_value = [permissions]
+ m_os.path.join.return_value = shadow_file
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ m_open.side_effect = Exception
+ utils.set_root_password(rootfs_path, 'password')
+ expected_calls = [
+ mock.call.path.join(rootfs_path, 'etc/shadow'),
+ mock.call.stat(shadow_file),
+ mock.call.chmod(shadow_file, 438),
+ mock.call.chmod(shadow_file, permissions)
+ ]
+ m_os.assert_has_calls(expected_calls)
+ def test_utils_set_root_password_store_hash(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that set_root_password() stores the hashed root password for
+ in shadow file.
+ """
+ rootfs_path = '/foo'
+ password = 'secret'
+ initial_value = '!locked'
+ hashed_password = 'hashed_password'
+ shadow_content = '\n'.join([
+ "root:%s::0:99999:7:::",
+ "bin:*:17004:0:99999:7:::"
+ "daemon:*:17004:0:99999:7:::",
+ "adm:*:17004:0:99999:7:::"
+ ])
+ m_open = mock.mock_open(read_data=shadow_content % initial_value)
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.open', m_open, create=True):
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.os'):
+ with mock.patch('passlib.hosts.linux_context.hash') as m_hash:
+ m_hash.return_value = hashed_password
+ utils.set_root_password(rootfs_path, password)
+ m_hash.assert_called_once_with(password)
+ m_open().write.assert_called_once_with(shadow_content
+ % hashed_password)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: write_progress()
+ ###################################
+ def test_utils_write_progress_fill_terminal_width(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that write_progress() outputs a message with length
+ equal to terminal width and last symbol '\r'.
+ """
+ terminal_width = 120
+ prog = {'status': 'status', 'value': 0}
+ with mock.patch.multiple(utils,
+ Popen=mock.DEFAULT,
+ sys=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
+ (mocked['Popen'].return_value.stdout
+ .read.return_value) = ("20 %s" % terminal_width).encode()
+ utils.write_progress(prog)
+ mocked['Popen'].assert_called_once_with(["stty", "size"],
+ stdout=mocked['PIPE'])
+ output_message = mocked['sys'].stdout.write.call_args[0][0]
+ mocked['sys'].stdout.write.assert_called_once()
+ self.assertEqual(len(output_message), terminal_width + 1)
+ self.assertEqual(output_message[-1], '\r')
+ def test_utils_write_progress_use_default_term_width_on_failure(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that write_progress() outputs a message with length equal
+ to default terminal width (80) when the detecting terminal width
+ has failed.
+ """
+ default_terminal_width = 80
+ prog = {'status': 'status', 'value': 0}
+ with mock.patch.multiple(utils, Popen=mock.DEFAULT,
+ sys=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
+ mocked['Popen'].side_effect = Exception()
+ utils.write_progress(prog)
+ self.assertEqual(len(mocked['sys'].stdout.write.call_args[0][0]),
+ default_terminal_width + 1)
+ mocked['sys'].stdout.write.assert_called_once()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main(exit=False)
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