[virt-tools-list] [virt-bootstrap] [PATCH v5 08/11] tests: Add unit tests for DockerSource
Radostin Stoyanov
rstoyanov1 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 08:14:08 UTC 2017
tests/test_docker_source.py | 605 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 605 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 tests/test_docker_source.py
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+# Authors:
+# Cedric Bosdonnat <cbosdonnat at suse.com>
+# Radostin Stoyanov <rstoyanov1 at gmail.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2017 SUSE, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Radostin Stoyanov
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Unit tests for methods defined in virtBootstrap.sources.DockerSource
+from tests import unittest
+from tests import mock
+from tests import sources
+ from urlparse import urlparse
+except ImportError:
+ from urllib.parse import urlparse
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
+class TestDockerSource(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Test cases for DockerSource
+ """
+ def _mock_docker_source(self):
+ """
+ This method returns an instance of Mock object
+ that acts as the specification for the DockerSource.
+ """
+ m_self = mock.Mock(spec=sources.DockerSource)
+ m_self.progress = mock.Mock()
+ m_self.no_cache = False
+ m_self.url = "docker://test"
+ m_self.images_dir = "/images_path"
+ m_self.insecure = True
+ m_self.username = 'user'
+ m_self.password = 'password'
+ m_self.layers = [
+ ['sha256', '75c416ea', '/images_path/75c416ea.tar', ''],
+ ['sha256', 'a7050fc1', '/images_path/a7050fc1.tar', '']
+ ]
+ return m_self
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: __init__()
+ ###################################
+ def test_argument_assignment(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that __init__() assigns the arguments' values to instance
+ variables.
+ """
+ kwargs = {'uri': '',
+ 'fmt': 'dir',
+ 'not_secure': False,
+ 'no_cache': False,
+ 'progress': mock.Mock(),
+ 'username': 'username',
+ 'password': 'password'}
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils'
+ '.get_image_dir') as m_get_image_dir:
+ with mock.patch.multiple('virtBootstrap.sources.DockerSource',
+ retrieve_layers_info=mock.DEFAULT,
+ gen_valid_uri=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
+ src_instance = sources.DockerSource(**kwargs)
+ test_values = {
+ src_instance.url: mocked['gen_valid_uri'].return_value,
+ src_instance.progress: kwargs['progress'].update_progress,
+ src_instance.username: kwargs['username'],
+ src_instance.password: kwargs['password'],
+ src_instance.output_format: kwargs['fmt'],
+ src_instance.no_cache: kwargs['no_cache'],
+ src_instance.insecure: kwargs['not_secure'],
+ src_instance.images_dir: m_get_image_dir()
+ }
+ for value in test_values:
+ self.assertIs(value, test_values[value])
+ def test_source_password_is_required_if_username_specifed(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that __init__() calls getpass() to request password
+ when username is specified and password is not.
+ """
+ test_password = 'secret'
+ kwargs = {arg: '' for arg
+ in ['uri', 'fmt', 'not_secure', 'password', 'no_cache']}
+ kwargs['progress'] = mock.Mock()
+ kwargs['username'] = 'test'
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.get_image_dir'):
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.sources.getpass') as m_getpass:
+ m_getpass.getpass.return_value = test_password
+ with mock.patch.multiple('virtBootstrap.sources.DockerSource',
+ retrieve_layers_info=mock.DEFAULT,
+ gen_valid_uri=mock.DEFAULT):
+ src_instance = sources.DockerSource(**kwargs)
+ m_getpass.getpass.assert_called_once()
+ self.assertIs(test_password, src_instance.password)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: retrieve_layers_info()
+ ###################################
+ def _mock_retrieve_layers_info(self, manifest, kwargs):
+ """
+ This method is gather common test pattern used in the following
+ two test cases.
+ """
+ with mock.patch.multiple('virtBootstrap.utils',
+ get_image_details=mock.DEFAULT,
+ get_image_dir=mock.DEFAULT) as m_utils:
+ m_utils['get_image_details'].return_value = manifest
+ m_utils['get_image_dir'].return_value = '/images_path'
+ patch_method = 'virtBootstrap.sources.DockerSource.gen_valid_uri'
+ with mock.patch(patch_method) as m_uri:
+ src_instance = sources.DockerSource(**kwargs)
+ return (src_instance, m_uri, m_utils)
+ def test_retrieve_layers_info_pass_arguments_to_get_image_details(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that retrieve_layers_info() calls get_image_details()
+ with all passed arguments.
+ """
+ src_kwargs = {'uri': '',
+ 'fmt': 'dir',
+ 'not_secure': False,
+ 'no_cache': False,
+ 'progress': mock.Mock(),
+ 'username': 'username',
+ 'password': 'password'}
+ manifest = {'schemaVersion': 2, 'layers': []}
+ (src_instance,
+ m_uri, m_utils) = self._mock_retrieve_layers_info(manifest,
+ src_kwargs)
+ kwargs = {arg: getattr(src_instance, arg)
+ for arg in ['insecure', 'username', 'password']}
+ kwargs['raw'] = True
+ m_utils['get_image_details'].assert_called_once_with(m_uri(), **kwargs)
+ def test_retrieve_layers_info_schema_version_1(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that retrieve_layers_info() extracts the layers' information
+ from manifest with schema version 1 a list with format:
+ ["digest", "sum_type", "file_path", "size"].
+ """
+ args = ['uri', 'fmt', 'not_secure', 'password', 'username', 'no_cache']
+ kwargs = {arg: arg for arg in args}
+ kwargs['progress'] = mock.Mock()
+ manifest = {
+ 'schemaVersion': 1,
+ 'fsLayers': [
+ {'blobSum': 'sha256:75c416ea'},
+ {'blobSum': 'sha256:c6ff40b6'},
+ {'blobSum': 'sha256:a7050fc1'}
+ ]
+ }
+ expected_result = [
+ ['sha256', 'a7050fc1', '/images_path/a7050fc1.tar', None],
+ ['sha256', 'c6ff40b6', '/images_path/c6ff40b6.tar', None],
+ ['sha256', '75c416ea', '/images_path/75c416ea.tar', None]
+ ]
+ src_instance = self._mock_retrieve_layers_info(manifest, kwargs)[0]
+ self.assertEqual(src_instance.layers, expected_result)
+ def test_retrieve_layers_info_schema_version_2(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that retrieve_layers_info() extracts the layers' information
+ from manifest with schema version 2 a list with format:
+ ["digest", "sum_type", "file_path", "size"].
+ """
+ args = ['uri', 'fmt', 'not_secure', 'password', 'username', 'no_cache']
+ kwargs = {arg: arg for arg in args}
+ kwargs['progress'] = mock.Mock()
+ manifest = {
+ 'schemaVersion': 2,
+ "layers": [
+ {"size": 47103294, "digest": "sha256:75c416ea"},
+ {"size": 814, "digest": "sha256:c6ff40b6"},
+ {"size": 513, "digest": "sha256:a7050fc1"}
+ ]
+ }
+ expected_result = [
+ ['sha256', '75c416ea', '/images_path/75c416ea.tar', 47103294],
+ ['sha256', 'c6ff40b6', '/images_path/c6ff40b6.tar', 814],
+ ['sha256', 'a7050fc1', '/images_path/a7050fc1.tar', 513]
+ ]
+ src_instance = self._mock_retrieve_layers_info(manifest, kwargs)[0]
+ self.assertEqual(src_instance.layers, expected_result)
+ def test_retrieve_layers_info_raise_error_on_invalid_schema_version(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that retrieve_layers_info() calls get_image_details()
+ with all passed arguments.
+ """
+ args = ['uri', 'fmt', 'not_secure', 'password', 'username', 'no_cache']
+ kwargs = {arg: arg for arg in args}
+ kwargs['progress'] = mock.Mock()
+ manifest = {'schemaVersion': 3}
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ self._mock_retrieve_layers_info(manifest, kwargs)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: gen_valid_uri()
+ ###################################
+ def test_gen_valid_uri(self):
+ """
+ Validates the output of gen_valid_uri() for some test cases.
+ """
+ m_self = self._mock_docker_source()
+ test_values = {
+ 'docker:///repo': 'docker://repo',
+ 'docker:/repo': 'docker://repo',
+ 'docker://repo/': 'docker://repo',
+ 'docker://repo/image/': 'docker://repo/image',
+ 'docker:///repo/image/': 'docker://repo/image',
+ }
+ for uri in test_values:
+ uri_obj = urlparse(uri)
+ result = sources.DockerSource.gen_valid_uri(m_self, uri_obj)
+ expected = test_values[uri]
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: download_image()
+ ###################################
+ def test_download_image(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that download_image() calls read_skopeo_progress() with
+ expected skopeo copy command and removes tha leftover manifest file.
+ """
+ m_self = self._mock_docker_source()
+ m_self.read_skopeo_progress = mock.Mock()
+ manifest_path = "%s/manifest.json" % m_self.images_dir
+ with mock.patch('os.remove') as m_remove:
+ sources.DockerSource.download_image(m_self)
+ expected_call = ["skopeo", "copy", m_self.url,
+ "dir:" + m_self.images_dir,
+ '--src-tls-verify=false',
+ '--src-creds={}:{}'.format(m_self.username,
+ m_self.password)]
+ m_self.read_skopeo_progress.assert_called_once_with(expected_call)
+ m_remove.assert_called_once_with(manifest_path)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: parse_output()
+ ###################################
+ def test_parse_output_return_false_on_fail(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that parse_output() returns False when process call
+ exits with non-zero code.
+ """
+ m_self = mock.Mock(spec=sources.DockerSource)
+ m_self.layers = []
+ m_proc = mock.Mock()
+ m_proc.returncode = 1
+ self.assertFalse(sources.DockerSource.parse_output(m_self, m_proc))
+ def test_parse_output(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that parse_output() recognises processing of different
+ layers from the skopeo's output.
+ """
+ m_self = self._mock_docker_source()
+ m_proc = mock.Mock()
+ m_proc.poll.return_value = None
+ m_proc.returncode = 0
+ test_values = '\n'.join([
+ 'Skipping fetch of repeat blob sha256:c6ff40',
+ 'Copying blob sha256:75c416ea735c4',
+ '40.00 MB / 44.92 MB [======================>------]',
+ 'Copying config sha256:d355ed35',
+ '40.00 MB / 44.92 MB [======================>------]'
+ ])
+ expected_progress_calls = [
+ mock.call("Downloading layer (1/2)"),
+ mock.call("Downloading layer (2/2)"),
+ ]
+ with mock.patch('select.select') as m_select:
+ m_select.return_value = [[test_values], [], []]
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.read_async') as m_read_async:
+ m_read_async.return_value = test_values
+ self.assertTrue(sources.DockerSource.parse_output(m_self,
+ m_proc))
+ m_select.assert_called_once_with([m_proc.stdout], [], [])
+ m_read_async.assert_called_once_with(test_values)
+ m_self.progress.assert_has_calls(expected_progress_calls)
+ m_self.update_progress_from_output.assert_called_once()
+ m_proc.wait.assert_called_once()
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: update_progress_from_output()
+ ###################################
+ def _mock_update_progress_from_output(self, test_values):
+ """
+ This method is gather common test pattern used in the following
+ two test cases.
+ """
+ m_self = self._mock_docker_source()
+ test_method = sources.DockerSource.update_progress_from_output
+ for line in test_values:
+ test_method(m_self, line.split(), 1, len(test_values))
+ return m_self.progress.call_args_list
+ def test_update_progress_from_output(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that update_progress_from_output() recognises the current
+ downloaded size, the total layer's size and calculates correct
+ percentage value.
+ """
+ test_values = [
+ '500.00 KB / 4.00 MB [======>------]',
+ '25.00 MB / 24.10 MB [======>------]',
+ '40.00 MB / 50.00 MB [======>------]',
+ ]
+ expected_values = [2, 17.33, 13.33]
+ calls = self._mock_update_progress_from_output(test_values)
+ for call, expected in zip(calls, expected_values):
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(call[1]['value'], expected, places=1)
+ def test_update_progress_from_output_ignore_failures(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that update_progress_from_output() ignores invalid lines
+ from skopeo's output.
+ """
+ test_values = [
+ 'a ',
+ '1 ' * 5,
+ '500.00 MB / 0.00 MB [======>------]',
+ '00.00 MB / 00.00 MB [======>------]',
+ ]
+ self._mock_update_progress_from_output(test_values)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: read_skopeo_progress()
+ ###################################
+ def _mock_read_skopeo_progress(self, test_cmd, parse_output_return):
+ """
+ This method is gather common test pattern used in the following
+ two test cases.
+ """
+ m_self = mock.Mock(spec=sources.DockerSource)
+ m_self.parse_output.return_value = parse_output_return
+ with mock.patch.multiple('virtBootstrap.sources',
+ Popen=mock.DEFAULT,
+ PIPE=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.make_async') as m_make_async:
+ sources.DockerSource.read_skopeo_progress(m_self, test_cmd)
+ return (mocked, m_make_async)
+ def test_read_skopeo_progress(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that read_skopeo_progress() calls make_async() with
+ the stdout pipe of skopeo's process.
+ """
+ test_cmd = 'test'
+ mocked, m_make_async = self._mock_read_skopeo_progress(test_cmd, True)
+ mocked['Popen'].assert_called_once_with(test_cmd,
+ stdout=mocked['PIPE'],
+ stderr=mocked['PIPE'],
+ universal_newlines=True)
+ m_make_async.assert_called_once_with(mocked['Popen']().stdout)
+ def test_read_skopeo_progress_raise_error(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that read_skopeo_progress() raise CalledProcessError
+ when parse_output() returns false.
+ """
+ with self.assertRaises(sources.CalledProcessError):
+ self._mock_read_skopeo_progress('test', False)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: validate_image_layers()
+ ###################################
+ def _mock_validate_image_layers(self,
+ checksum_return,
+ path_exists_return,
+ expected_result,
+ check_calls=False):
+ """
+ This method is gather common test pattern used in the following
+ three test cases.
+ """
+ m_self = self._mock_docker_source()
+ with mock.patch('os.path.exists') as m_path_exists:
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.checksum') as m_checksum:
+ m_checksum.return_value = checksum_return
+ m_path_exists.return_value = path_exists_return
+ result = sources.DockerSource.validate_image_layers(m_self)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
+ if check_calls:
+ path_exists_expected_calls = []
+ checksum_expected_calls = []
+ # Generate expected calls
+ for sum_type, hash_sum, path, _ignore in m_self.layers:
+ path_exists_expected_calls.append(mock.call(path))
+ checksum_expected_calls.append(
+ mock.call(path, sum_type, hash_sum))
+ m_path_exists.assert_has_calls(path_exists_expected_calls)
+ m_checksum.assert_has_calls(checksum_expected_calls)
+ def test_validate_image_layers_should_return_true(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that validate_image_layers() returns True when:
+ - checksum() returns True for all layers
+ - the file path of all layers exist
+ - all layers are validated
+ """
+ self._mock_validate_image_layers(True, True, True, True)
+ def test_validate_image_layers_return_false_if_path_not_exist(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that validate_image_layers() returns False when
+ checksum() returns False.
+ """
+ self._mock_validate_image_layers(False, True, False)
+ def test_validate_image_layers_return_false_if_checksum_fail(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that validate_image_layers() returns False when
+ the file path of layer does not exist.
+ """
+ self._mock_validate_image_layers(True, False, False)
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: fetch_layers()
+ ###################################
+ def _mock_fetch_layers(self, validate_return):
+ """
+ This method is gather common test pattern used in the following
+ two test cases.
+ """
+ m_self = mock.Mock(spec=sources.DockerSource)
+ m_self.validate_image_layers.return_value = validate_return
+ sources.DockerSource.fetch_layers(m_self)
+ return m_self
+ def test_fetch_layers_should_call_download_image(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that fetch_layers() calls download_image()
+ when validate_image_layers() returns False.
+ """
+ m_self = self._mock_fetch_layers(False)
+ m_self.download_image.assert_called_once()
+ def test_fetch_layers_should_not_call_download_image(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that fetch_layers() does not call download_image()
+ when validate_image_layers() returns True.
+ """
+ m_self = self._mock_fetch_layers(True)
+ m_self.download_image.assert_not_called()
+ ###################################
+ # Tests for: unpack()
+ ###################################
+ def _unpack_test_fmt(self, output_format, patch_method=None,
+ side_effect=None, m_self=None):
+ """
+ This method is gather common test pattern used in the following
+ two test cases.
+ """
+ m_self = m_self if m_self else self._mock_docker_source()
+ m_self.output_format = output_format
+ dest = 'foo'
+ if patch_method:
+ with mock.patch(patch_method) as mocked:
+ if side_effect:
+ mocked.side_effect = side_effect
+ sources.DockerSource.unpack(m_self, dest)
+ mocked.assert_called_once_with(m_self.layers, dest,
+ m_self.progress)
+ else:
+ sources.DockerSource.unpack(m_self, dest)
+ m_self.fetch_layers.assert_called_once()
+ def test_unpack_dir_format(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that unpack() calls untar_layers() when the output format
+ is set to 'dir'.
+ """
+ self._unpack_test_fmt('dir', 'virtBootstrap.utils.untar_layers')
+ def test_unpack_qcow2_format(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that unpack() calls extract_layers_in_qcow2() when the
+ output format is set to 'qcow2'.
+ """
+ self._unpack_test_fmt('qcow2',
+ 'virtBootstrap.utils.extract_layers_in_qcow2')
+ def unpack_raise_error_test(self,
+ output_format,
+ patch_method,
+ side_effect=None,
+ msg=None):
+ """
+ This method is gather common test pattern used in the following
+ four test cases.
+ """
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as err:
+ self._unpack_test_fmt(output_format, patch_method,
+ side_effect)
+ if msg:
+ self.assertEqual(msg, str(err.exception))
+ def test_unpack_raise_error_for_unknown_format(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that unpack() throws an Exception when called with
+ invalid output format.
+ """
+ msg = 'Unknown format:foo'
+ self.unpack_raise_error_test('foo', None, None, msg)
+ def test_unpack_raise_error_if_untar_fail(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that unpack() throws an Exception when untar_layers()
+ fails.
+ """
+ msg = 'Caught untar failure'
+ side_effect = Exception(msg)
+ patch_method = 'virtBootstrap.utils.untar_layers'
+ self.unpack_raise_error_test('dir', patch_method, side_effect, msg)
+ def test_unpack_raise_error_if_extract_in_qcow2_fail(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that unpack() throws an Exception when
+ extract_layers_in_qcow2() fails.
+ """
+ msg = 'Caught extract_layers_in_qcow2 failure'
+ side_effect = Exception(msg)
+ patch_method = 'virtBootstrap.utils.extract_layers_in_qcow2'
+ self.unpack_raise_error_test('qcow2', patch_method, side_effect, msg)
+ def test_unpack_no_cache_clean_up(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that unpack() removes the folder which stores tar archives
+ of image layers when no_cache is set to True.
+ """
+ output_formats = ['dir', 'qcow2']
+ patch_methods = [
+ 'virtBootstrap.utils.untar_layers',
+ 'virtBootstrap.utils.extract_layers_in_qcow2'
+ ]
+ for fmt, patch_mthd in zip(output_formats, patch_methods):
+ m_self = self._mock_docker_source()
+ m_self.no_cache = True
+ with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.sources.shutil.rmtree') as m_shutil:
+ self._unpack_test_fmt(fmt, patch_mthd, m_self=m_self)
+ m_shutil.assert_called_once_with(m_self.images_dir)
+ def test_unpack_no_cache_clean_up_on_failure(self):
+ """
+ Ensures that unpack() removes the folder which stores tar archives
+ of image layers when no_cache is set to True and exception was
+ raised.
+ """
+ m_self = self._mock_docker_source()
+ m_self.no_cache = True
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ with mock.patch('shutil.rmtree') as m_rmtree:
+ self._unpack_test_fmt('foo', None, m_self=m_self)
+ m_rmtree.assert_called_once_with(m_self.images_dir)
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