[virt-tools-list] Possibility to define directory used to save snapshots?

Eric Blake eblake at redhat.com
Mon Jan 29 15:04:43 UTC 2018

On 01/27/2018 07:04 AM, OmegaPhil wrote:
> Using Virtual Machine Manager 1.4.3 here on Devuan Ascii with libvirt0
> 3.0.0-4+deb9u1. I have a collection of VMs on this machine (so single
> host, no migrations, no shared storage etc etc) that are stored in a
> storage pool outside of the root volume (since the root volume is mostly
> dedicated to the OS) - so not '/var/lib/libvirt/images'.
> The OS volume is running out of space, and I found that snapshots were
> being stored separately from the VMs, at '/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/save' -
> is there a way for me to configure where snapshots end up, and
> preferably in the same storage location as the VMs?
> '/etc/libvirt/storage' seems to only store configuration for the storage
> pools that host the VMs.

There is an (OLD) bugzilla request against libvirt to add the notion of
an XML element to each <domain> that specifies the preferred storage
pool to use when libvirt has to create files associated with that domain
(and where absence of the element then falls back to the current
/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/save).  But such a request has to be implemented
in libvirt before virt-manager can set the XML.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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