[virt-tools-list] Nested virtualization

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Mon Oct 1 21:50:59 UTC 2018

On 09/28/2018 12:34 PM, Nacei at secmail.pro wrote:
> Hello. Nested virtualization lags and it have many errors for me.
> I have a Host (L0) with libvirt(virt-manager) I have there a VM (L1) and I
> want to run in L1 a Virtual Box machine (L2). But I get errors while
> installing Windows in L2. Windows installed and it was ready for 1st boot
> and i got a VirtualBox error when I started it. Linux distributions
> doesn't boot in graphical install and live mode is not booting, I got lot
> of text and it's stucked. Virtual Box Version is 5.2.
> I created  /etc/modprobe.d/kvm_intel.conf with text in it
> options kvm-intel nested=Y
> and VMX is running in L1
> I think I got errors because of some graphical/video issues. Here are few
> of my L1 settings
>    <cpu mode='host-passthrough'/>
>      <graphics type='spice'>
>        <listen type='none'/>
>        <gl enable='no'/>
>      </graphics>
>      <video>
>        <model type='virtio' heads='1' primary='yes'/>
>      </video>
> also I tried to use
>      <video>
>        <model type='qxl' ram='65536' vram='65536' vgamem='1048576'
> heads='1' pri$
>      </video>
> I'm using nouveau drivers
> if it's needed I can post full logs of VirtualBox error and full XML
> configuration file for VM that I use in virt-manager.
> Maybe I need to change VirtualBox in L1 to another virtualization software ?
> OS
> L0 - Debian
> L1 - Debian
> L2 - can't install any OS

Nested virt is largely outside the scope of this list, it's at a much 
deeper level than virt-manager. First step is to run newest kernel you 
can get your hands on in L0 and L1. Next would be to try something other 
than VirtualBox in L1. If you hit issues at that point you can try 
reporting on kvm mailing list

- Cole

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