[virt-tools-list] Nested virtualization

Nacei at secmail.pro Nacei at secmail.pro
Fri Sep 28 16:34:47 UTC 2018

Hello. Nested virtualization lags and it have many errors for me.
I have a Host (L0) with libvirt(virt-manager) I have there a VM (L1) and I
want to run in L1 a Virtual Box machine (L2). But I get errors while
installing Windows in L2. Windows installed and it was ready for 1st boot
and i got a VirtualBox error when I started it. Linux distributions
doesn't boot in graphical install and live mode is not booting, I got lot
of text and it's stucked. Virtual Box Version is 5.2.
I created  /etc/modprobe.d/kvm_intel.conf with text in it
options kvm-intel nested=Y
and VMX is running in L1

I think I got errors because of some graphical/video issues. Here are few
of my L1 settings

  <cpu mode='host-passthrough'/>

    <graphics type='spice'>
      <listen type='none'/>
      <gl enable='no'/>

      <model type='virtio' heads='1' primary='yes'/>

also I tried to use

      <model type='qxl' ram='65536' vram='65536' vgamem='1048576'
heads='1' pri$

I'm using nouveau drivers
if it's needed I can post full logs of VirtualBox error and full XML
configuration file for VM that I use in virt-manager.

Maybe I need to change VirtualBox in L1 to another virtualization software ?

L0 - Debian
L1 - Debian
L2 - can't install any OS

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