[virt-tools-list] Bridge connection question

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Tue Feb 5 17:15:51 UTC 2019

On 2/5/19 10:15 AM, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
> Hi,
> The following thing drives me nuts. I have 2 nics on my 
> machine: enp30s0f0 (which is active) and enp30s0f1 (which is 
> disconnected). I've also created a nat network which uses the internal 
> NAT (i've called it "nat-net").
> What I want to do is simple: I want that the VM will get a an IP from 
> the external DHCP, just like other machines in the LAN, and be able to 
> access the VM from other machines in the LAN. Just like MACVTAP but with 
> access from host to guests and other machines to guest (this is 
> important to me since I want to set a fixed IP in the guest and register 
> it in the internal DNS).
> No matter what tool I use - nmtui, "connection details/Network 
> Interfaces" - I cannot select my active network connection (enp30s0f0) 
> whether it's disconnected or connected - to create a bridge or anything 
> else to perform this task.
> How can I perform this? link to info/howto or anything useful would be 
> welcome.
> Thanks

I've used this as a guide roughly:


For example if you want to bridge enp30s0f0, do

- Stop the interface: nmcli con down enp30s0f0
- Open nm-connection-editor
- Set enp30s0f0 to _not_ 'connect automatically'
- Create a bridge, say named bridge0
- Under bridged connections, click add, select ethernet
- In the ethernet dialog, click Device, select enp30s0f0 MAC.
- Name the ethernet bridge0-enp30s0f0. Save everything and exit
- Save everything and exit. May need to explictly nmcli con up bridge0
- If you want to switch back to non-bridged mode, turn off bridge0 and 
bridge0-enp30s0f0 autostart, and turn on enp30s0f0 autostart

Then have your VM use the bridge0 bridge

- Cole

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