Questions about storage

Blake McBride blake1024 at
Wed Aug 9 01:47:28 UTC 2023


I make pretty regular use of VMs on my Linux box.  I've used KVM,
VirtualBox, and VMWare.  I'd like to make more use of KVM/virt-manager but
I am having a number of problems using virt-manager.  I'm pretty sure the
problem is me.  I just need to understand it more.  I think all of my
questions are about storage.  I hope someone on this list can help me.
Here are my questions:

1.  Is there any way of escaping the whole "storage pool" concept?  I'd
like to just specify a directory to put my files in rather than needing to
creating a pool each time.  Likewise for the ISO I use to gen the system.
I want to be able to simply browse my disk and select the ISO.

2.  I need all of the files associated with a particular VM in one
independent place so I can back it up and move it as a unit easily.  This
includes the cow2 file and all of the VM meta information files.

Is there a way to do these things?  Is this something planned?

Thanks for the help!

Blake McBride
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