Guest Name on Menu Bar

David Hayward a1863.virt-tools-list at
Mon Oct 9 12:18:27 UTC 2023

Hi All,

I run multiple guests, each running 'full screen' in a different workspace on the host.

I either run them using 

a) the 'Toggle fullscreen' keyboard shortcut from XFCE on the host, which leaves the virt-manager menu bar (and toolbar if enabled) visible.

b) the Fullscreen option from the View menu inside virt-manager which hides everything.

Unfortunately, just maximising the window, which leaves the window title visible, also leaves the host XFCE panels visible, and I have been known to hit the wrong panel by mistake! 🤪

What I was wondering, was if there was anyway of putting the Guest Name on the virt-manager menu bar, so I can still see which guest is which as I move between workspaces on the host?

Of course, I'm also open to other suggestions on ways to know which guest is which. I do use desktop backgrounds, panel colours to help but these don't always work.



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