[virt-tools-list] Problems with guests installed on rebased qcow2 image

Fred van Zwieten fvzwieten at vxcompany.com
Wed Jun 15 18:33:16 UTC 2011


I have (RHEL6) guests doing a kernel panic (because LVM LV's cannot be
found). These guests are started from a rebased qcow2 image. When I rebase
them from a raw master image, all seems well.

Statement used to rebase a qcow2 image using virsh:
vol-create-as vm rebased.img 3G --allocation 1G --format qcow2 --backing-vol
qcow2_based_template.img --backing-vol-format qcow2

Statement used to provision the guest:
virt-install --name rebased --import --ram 768 --disk
path=rebased.img,bus=virtio,format=qcow2 -w network=local --hvm --virt-type

If I do the same, but use a master image with --backing-vol-format raw, it
seems to work ok

Am I missing something, or is this a bug?

Thank you for you're reaction

Fred van Zwieten
VX Company
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