[virt-tools-list] virt-manager error reporting mis-step

Doug Parsons doug at parsonsetc.com
Thu Aug 13 14:47:02 UTC 2015

Have a 64-bit CentOS/7 (build 1503), Intel processor w/kvm

Occasionally when I come back to my office, my VMs have crashed,
     $ virt-manager
wants to report the errors and I dutifully report everything I can.
This morning, in the filling out, I forgot my bugs-password, by the time 
I found it, the reporting mechanism had given up on me.

I could find nothing to enable me to restart the error-reporting 
process, so I've restarted virt-manager because I need the VMs it was 

What to do next time?


Politics is the art of looking for trouble,
finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly,
and applying the wrong remedies.
  -- Groucho Marx

We should all remember that the federal government did not create the states.
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