[virt-tools-list] virt-manager doesn't grab keyboard

Doug Parsons doug at parsonsetc.com
Thu Aug 13 15:02:03 UTC 2015


I have a 64-bit CentOS/7 (build 1503), Intel processor w/kvm.

I'm new to this.

In trying to build several VMs using virt-manager, it'd most often give 
me an empty, unbootable VM.
It would occasionally work, I've now got a couple Linux and one Win/7 
VM, which work fine.

Occasionally I'd see an error that it failed to grab the keyboard
     (when going from the real machine to the VM it was building, I'm 

I don't see that error every time.
Which makes sense, when it interacts with me, it builds OK, using as my 
source either an .iso I've downloaded from the net, or in the case of my 
Win/7, I downloaded the DVD, renamed it, etc.
That is to say, everything looks fine, it tells me it's building a 
CentOS or a Win machine, so I know it's finding and interpreting what 
it's building from.

The last time I built a VM, intending to scrupulously record ANY anomaly 
(generally there are none), it worked fine. I haven't had the 
opportunity to build again.

I find nothing in the literature, forums, etc. relating to my issue.
What to do?
Is anyone else having this problem?
What can I do to capture information to help y'all resolve the issue?


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