[virt-tools-list] virt-what: virt-what should not report systems running in a WSL environment as hyperv

Chris Francy zoredache at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 23:52:31 UTC 2018

I installed Debian in a WSL environment, and ran some setup scripts I use
in other environments.  Because
virt-what miss-identified a wsl environment as a 'hyperv' VM my scripts
made changes that broke the WSL environment.

It would be nice if virt-what would identify a wsl environment as 'wsl'
instead of 'hyperv'.

Per Microsoft this link it should be possible to detect wsl if the contents
of `/proc/version` has a value of `.*Microsoft$`.


- https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/423#issuecomment-221627364

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